
Just another Tuesday...

Took Sloan to the dentist today and they caped his tooth. You can't even tell anything happened to it...I do glad! I also called the doctor an gain because I'm still not fellin any better...she is going to call in a Z pack and mike is going to get it when he gets off...I pray that this is going to help me feel better!!! Sloan won his basketball game last night 22-15 I'm so proud if what a great little man he is becoming. I can't wait for Seth to get home and tell me all about the what the band man said today...he thinks he might want to do band in middle school. We also have a meeting on Thursday night at the middle school. I can not believe how my kids r grow...way to fast! One in high school and now next year one in middle school...I will have one at all three schools!- boy does time fly when u r older.


Sloan had a basket ball game this morning at 9. He won!!:) I don't remember what the score was...sorry! His team has only lost one game :) Mike Seth Sloan and I went to seats after the game to get Mike some jeans all of his other ones had wholes in them and the wholes were really getting big so he could not ware them to work anymore- we then went and got a bit to eat and went to Aldis and Walmart. I can't believe we were gone till 3. Bit the day flew by...I keep telling myself since I have meds now I am feeling better but I just don't know if I really am?- I'm really tring to feel better...tomorrow I am just going to church and to rest so hopefully by Monday I will b feeling better. I am so excited I am work Wednesday:0) I'm subbing at DOK at crossroads. So the only day this week I'm not working is Friday. I really enjoy having Fridays off. It's my day to do rest or do whatever I want.



I guess I will just jump in since it has been so long since my last blog... Savanah started high school and boy is that different. Seth is in 5th grade and in all regular class except for math. He also started medican to help him focus and it really seems to be working. Sloan is in second grade and he is a very bright boy. He loves football and basketball and can not wait to play football again. Mike is working at ferguson it is a pluming supply place. He is a driver fe them. I am working at crossroads doing MMO and I am a sun for DOK and I also started working with a friend who has a home daycare. I am hoping that I will be working there more as time passes and she gets more kids. Over all my life is pretty good - no we don't have a lot of extra money to spend but...mike and I do have jobs and we have cars and a home. Witch a lot of people don't have. I just pray that life gets better...



I am starting a bible study tomorrow and I am very nervous. It is through DOK. The name of the study is "I'm not good enough and the other lies women tell them selves." I am nervous because of what I think it will show me about myself. But on the other hand I am excited for this new step in my life. I am tryng to only say and think positive. So I can plant good seed in stead of bad ones. It is hard but I am tryng hard to make this a life style change for me.
Sloan is star of the week this week and I am so proud of him! He is turning into a beautiful and energetic little boy! I am so glad that I get to spend my mornings with him. He is so full of life and never fails to make me laugh!
Savanah is tring out for the basketball team at school and I am praying that she makes the team. I know it will be hard work but I feel it will really boost her self esteem!
Sethy has a science test this week. We have already starting studying as science is not one of his better subj. He has this class with his regular teacher so that is why it is more difficult for him. He also has Social studies with her and we are having difficulties in that class as well but the issues have been addressed and I am hoping that he will start to pull his grades up in these classes.
I am going to work tonight...I love going to work at FW because I get to go by myself.



New start...
my life 9 months later..

The kids just got there report cards and Savanah did a great job on hers she got 4B's,1A and a D in math can you believe it math of all subjects. But I will say she is trying to pull it up. Sloan got all good grades but really how bad can you do in Kindergarten. Seth did ok. He is really struggling with school this year it is getting harder for him as it should BUT I guess I should have worked with him more this summer to keep him up to his level. Mike is still at Ferguson and I am work at Fitness World one night a week and Crossroads one night a week. I am also subbing for first christian and Crossroads!


Bill collectors!

I have had an OK week for the most part. We had to get ride of some things and down grade some others. But all in all it has turned out OK. WE only had enough money for a week of grouches and we have 2 weeks till the next paycheck so we r trying to make things stretch for another week...It is hard but I know we can do it. It has been so hard living paycheck to paycheck. We have even had to go with out power for a night because we could not pay the bill. That was hard.! But, we all made it. It is so frustrating having bill collectors call u at all hours and know u don't have a penny to your name let alone to give them.~ We don't really have a lot of bills it is just that we were living on Mikes over time and now he is not getting it and it is making thing VERY tight. It also made Christmas very hard! That was really hard for me.~ It is so hard for me to get to a place where I can make every penny stretch out.
~Living paycheck to paycheck is not hard we have done that a lot but it has never been so tight. We used to have a little left over to go out to eat with or buy a little extra at the store!~ but now we r doing good to get what we need....I know what you are thinking~ Everyone is having money issues now. I know that a lot of people are money issues and I really feel for them I know how hard it is for us and we have a house cars power and water. How hard it would be if we didn't...and there are people out there who have lost these luxuries. I know it sounds like I am complaining and I truly am not I guess I am just venting....and saying that I am thankful for what we do have....I just pray that God will help us get through~ I know HE will work it all out in HIS time....



I just have one question for you all?~ Why in heavens name does life have to be so very very hard!