
My Week~

OK this will probably be the only time this week that I blog not unless I get some free time at night. I have been SICK! So, sick I went to the Doc. and I really don't like doing that~ He said I had the begging signs of TMJ and to get a mouth piece.....He also told me to take mucinex and sudafed......WHATEVER~!~!~! I wanted drugs to make me feel better. I have such a busy week this week and we need to have the repair man come to fix the drier and I have no time for him to come because they only work my neighbor hood in the MORNINGS~ and I will be gone every morning this week. SO, if I can't find someone to come when there here I guess we will be hanging r close to dry for a while.
Now that the kids r gone let me just grip about them for a moment.....Sloan r youngest is very set in his ways and he only does what he wants to do when he wants to do it! This is really getting on my nerves I guess since I don't feel good and I want him to do it my way NOW! Seth the middle child has started to change for the worst since starting Kindergarten~ I say this happen with my oldest Savanah who is now in the 4th grade and is start to go through womanly changes!~ THIS is a very trying time for us as well. I know that her body is changing and she doesn't really know what or how to react for that matter & I am truly tryng to be kind to her but trust me it is VERY hard. SO I guess it has been a very hard few months with the kids for me I know. I am starting to spend more time with Sloan because I took him out of school on Wed. so now he only goes on Tues/Thurs. and Seth is not really listening and Savy with all her issues (BOY no wonder I am so tired) I guess that is it about the kids~
We registered Savanah for Softball this weekend. I think she really enjoys it and she is good at it when her dad is not there yelling at her. We registered Seth for Soccer and they said that they didn't know if they were going to have enough boys to form a league so they would call us if they did~ He really need the exercise so I hope that they do. I also Signed Sloan up for T*Ball this should be a fun SPRING~ I think we r always busy......but such is life with kids.
God Bless


A little about everything...

OK so I guess I am not getting any better at updating this web page or BLOGGING more. Hey at lest I blog once a week that is good for me!
Well I just found out this week that Rock and Brittany r going to have a baby.~ I am Very happy for them because they were told that they didn't have to marry to have the baby and there doing it anyway they say that is what they want. I really feel like they bring out the best in each other. I am just wondering about my children~ how will this effect them. Since this baby will be there with my dad and step mom and it will be there FLESH and BLOOD grandchild~ I know that this is just satin talking but I can't help to wonder? Will they still love my kids as much as they do now~ I love my family in Alabama SO VERY much and I hope that they feel the same about me but I always wonder if when we leave they say "THANK GOODNESS, THERE GONE!" and then we don't have to see them for awhile~ They say that they still want us to move down there but really could you see them saying NO we don't want u anymore~ I am sure that this is all in my head and that they really don't feel this way at least I hope that they would say something if they did.~ I wish I could get up the courage to talk to them about it but I know I never will~
OK on to my family~
Seth is going to play soccer he says he wants too again~ so we said fine and then Sloan is going to play T-Ball for Holy Rosary it is just 2 times and the man I talked to said that that was enough for his I agree...BUT I know my son and he will want to play every weekend~
As for Savy she is in school choir,church choir and does bible study on wed. nights~ She said she might play softball but doesn't' know yet~
I am staying very busy with the kids and Mike is mike!~ Gotta LOVE him.
We r having r 6 year anniversary on Friday, I never thought we would be married this long!
We have been together 8 years now~ WOW that is long time~
OK off to get lunch for the boys.....


Exercise the body and mind

Well we did it~ We bought A treadmill we had been looking at them for sometime and we bought one today after Church. SO no more excuses for me I guess. No more it is too cold to go to the gym! I have a gym in my garage. I am kinda excited about it but I am wondering if it will be a wast of money for us. U see last year this time we bought an elliptical because I had to have one it was a cheaper one but none the less it was costly and it has only been used a few times~ It is so different then the one at the gym. SO pray for me that I grow some will power to walk everyday! THEN maybe I will loose a few pounds!
OK on to the next thing I would like to talk about. My dads church is now online. This makes me so happy because I love the men that speak at his Church. I know I am partial because my dad is one of them but I think that they really get the message across! I listened to dads sermon today and it really moved me! If u get a chance click on the link and listen for your self!
Well we did it~ We bought A treadmill we had been looking at them for sometime and we bought one today after Church. SO no more excuses for me I guess. No more it is too cold to go to the gym! I have a gym in my garage. I am kinda excited about it but I am wondering if it will be a wast of money for us. U see last year this time we bought an elliptical because I had to have one it was a cheaper one but none the less it was costly and it has only been used a few times~ It is so different then the one at the gym. SO pray for me that I grow some will power to walk everyday! THEN maybe I will loose a few pounds!
OK on to the next thing I would like to talk about. My dads church is now online. This makes me so happy because I love the men that speak at his Church. I know I am partial because my dad is one of them but I think that they really get the message across! I listened to dads sermon today and it really moved me! If u get a chance click on the link and listen for your self!


I really enjoy going to Church on Sundays. I love going to my bible study. But I wonder if I am worshiping the "CHURCH & the classes I take" more then the LORD. I heard Joyce Meyers say this week on her show that we need to stop just going to church and really go to worship the Lord and include him in your everyday life! This really got me to thinking. I do listen to christian music and I do try to be a good christian but I hardly ever read my bible unless I am doing homework for my classes. I never study it on my own. I know that I love the LORD but I feel like there is more that I could be doing to really get to know him. (That was my new years resolutions) I feel like there is more out there then what I have with him!~
God Bless



I know it has been a few days since I have blogged and I know that you r over Michael's birthday. But I really don't know what to blog about~
Last night was "date night" and Mike and I got to go out by r selves and we took the kids to Allders gate so that they could play with there friends. Savanah said she didn't really want to go but I said she had to so that mike and I could be alone and the was the end of it~ She ended up having a great time and didn't want to leave when we left.
The only thing I can think about is my weight!~ Every time I have to go to Alabama that is all that I think about until I go! And when i am there it consumes me. You see my sisters and brother step-mom and dad r all very thin and we r all FAT! I know the LORD loves me this was so I too should Love me but it is so hard. I was reading a magazine this week that said that and it is so true it is a AWFUL cycle.....Feel bad-eat- feel bad for eating-eat-and around and around we go! This is so true. I just wish I could STOP. I am a addict but to food and how do u just stop eating?
I was going to try to lose weight for the wedding but then I rethought all that and decided against that, because that would mean I would have to have will power & we all know that I have NONE!
I will try to blog more~ this week.
Talk to u soon
God Bless



Today is Mike's birthday...and no matter what I do or give him he NEVER seems to REALLY like it or get excited about it. This in turn makes me upset as I feel like I can not please him. I got him sears gift cards and cup cakes from Starbucks. BUT I know how he will act- he will say thanks and that he liked it but he will not act as such! I am sure that this has something to do with the different times we were raised in but i have told him this hurts my feeling and I would think that he would change to make me happy!~ But every holiday it is the same thing-
Just had to let that out. Thanks for listening!



I have GREAT NEWS.....my brother Rock is getting married!!!!!! Ok let me back up just a minute and tell u who he is marring.... Brittany Lamburt is her name I hope I spelled her last name right.... She is so nice and love I could not ask for a better sister-in-law....And she love my kids which is a plus in my book tooooo.
They r getting married next month March 24th. So we will be heading down there in the next month for the wedding! O my gosh as I am writing this I am so happy I could BURST! ~
It is funny I was just getting read to "BLOG" about Sarah and how she called and told me about this p/t job and I think it will fit in with my life so much better then a full time job and how I hoped and prayed I would get it and then the phone rang and it was dad and he said ...I have some one that want to talk to you..... Ok let me tell u my heart stopped I thought who could it be.....Then Rock got on the phone and I said NO WAY I knew!!!!! I knew he was going to spend his life with the beautiful women! I could not say enough good things about BOTH of them..... She (BRIT) and I guess my sister britany will be graduating next week.....From beauty school and then let me just add I am VERY Happy for my sister brit toooo..... So there will be 2 BRIT SANDRETTO's o my that is going to get a little crazy~ But a good crazy-
Well my show is on and I wait all week just for it so I am off!


And so what...

I realize that it has been a while since I have "BLOGGED". I really didn't know what to write for a while and then when I thought of something I really just didn't want to talk about it~
I really feel like Satin is attaching me why I am not really sure yet but I am trying to find out. it is partly because the sun has not been out for days and it is VERY cold here so when I don't have to be out I don't get out.~ ~
Well, 2 weeks ago Mike and I decided that I would quit my job I work at fitness world at the front desk and fill in in the nursery when needed. We had talked about me getting a job and working full time as a teachers assistant helping with children with learning disabilities. Which I believe that that is what the Lord is calling me to do. I still feel that that is what the Lord is wanting me to do but, I don't feel that right now is when he wants me to start. I feel as if he wants me to get to know HIM better!
I am really trying to get to know him and to change the ways I do things to the way he would do thing.
So, I talked to Andrea (she makes the schedule at work in the nursery) and then to Alicia (my boss) and I will be staying on at fitness world. I don't know for sure if this is what HE wants me to do or not but I needed a job and the situation came about that I could work one day and one night in the nursery and be the on call person so I took it. I really don't think this is where I will be for too long but until we decide if we r moving.....Which I think we r really leaning towards now~
The sermon in church was about moving past your fears to get to what GOD wants u to do. I really think that this is what and where he wants me to be and do~
I guess I will find out in the next couple of months~~~~
God Bless



Mike has been working at The University of Evansville for about 6 months now. He works on the grounds crew. He worked at a local tire company mounting tires for about a year and then decided that was enought of standing in one spot doing the same thing day in and day out, So he saw that UE was hirering for the grounds crew and applied and got hired on the spot. Before he worked at the tire place he worked at UE for a year. SO, it really was not hard for him to get on and he new most of the people he would be working with. Before he worked at UE he Owned and ran One of the Shell gas stations in town. It was a family owned business that he was buying with his brother from his dad. His dad was to help him run and take over the station and then retire when he felt that he had tough his boys all that he know. BUT, as u know things don't always work out the way we plan....His dad found out in Sept. I think it was of 2000 that he had cancer and would be dieing soon! Needless to say this was very hard on all the the family since I had just come into the family at this time I really didn't know Don Sr that well but what I did know of him was that he was a very kind and loving man. They thought that the could give him medican and he might get better but he didn't he passed away a little over a month later. This was VERY hard on MIKE and his mom. Of course she did not want to lose her husband. Now Mike was faced with running the business basically on his own his brother had another business to run that Don Sr had started for him. Mike is always trying to please and wanted to make everyone happy so he would try to do what his mom said what his brother said and what I said! ~~ This took a big tole on him and he had a nervous break down from all the pressure. I tried to support him and help him though this but, we ended up separating he moved home and I was left alone while he "figured things out". after 3 months we decided to give it another try and work on are relationship. It was not easy by any means we had both been hurt by what was said...But we sold the house we were in and STARTED OVER... And we have been happy ever since...yes, we have had a few bumps in the relationship but he has not moved out. Which is good for us.
That is why he has gone through so many job...He just can't figure out what it is he wants to do....He likes his job now at UE but, it is not the best paying job there is...I just pray that he can figure out what it is that the LORD put him on earth to do...
God Bless