
Sloan had a basket ball game this morning at 9. He won!!:) I don't remember what the score was...sorry! His team has only lost one game :) Mike Seth Sloan and I went to seats after the game to get Mike some jeans all of his other ones had wholes in them and the wholes were really getting big so he could not ware them to work anymore- we then went and got a bit to eat and went to Aldis and Walmart. I can't believe we were gone till 3. Bit the day flew by...I keep telling myself since I have meds now I am feeling better but I just don't know if I really am?- I'm really tring to feel better...tomorrow I am just going to church and to rest so hopefully by Monday I will b feeling better. I am so excited I am work Wednesday:0) I'm subbing at DOK at crossroads. So the only day this week I'm not working is Friday. I really enjoy having Fridays off. It's my day to do rest or do whatever I want.

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