
I know it has really been awhile since I posted last. I am truely sorry. I have been crazy busy. Savanah is in 2 choirs and playing softball and Seth is playing soccer and sloan and i just go along for the ride. Sloan is supposted to be playing t*ball but it is on 2 times?. and I still have yet to her from a coach.
Mike and I have start the ball rolling on the moving thing I know we move alot but we just can't find the perfect house for us and this one is WAY to small. We call a realator on Monday and she can by on Thursday and told us we needed to paint the whole house and pack up as much cluter as we could. This in it self is very overwelming not to mention that the kids can't pick up after themselfs and so that make this even more of a chore.....SO if anyone wants to help with this project feel free to come help!
Seth turned 7 on Saturday and if I never here " WELL, I AM THE BIRTHDAY KID" again it will be to soon. He really wore that out! Now we don't have another Birthday till JULY so I can start Saving for Savys I POD she wants~
Well that is really all we r doing right now nothing exciting~ We r always busy running from here to there and I will be glad when school & sports are over so I can get some rest.
ONLY 6 more weeks~>~>~>~>~>~


Sarah and Tim said...

I hear ya sister on the 6 more weeks! I have been counting since Christmas! Anyway, you know that I don't want you to move, so if you decide to stay local, I will certainly help you look for a house:). HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETH!!!!!!

Sarah and Tim said...

oK out there in cyber world, where ya been? Waiting on more life stories. Feel as though I don't get to talk much. I know it is just because both of us are sooo busy. Eventually things will slow down, this I am sure of. Where are you all with selling your house? We have a realtor coming over on Friday. Hopefully we will get "Yes I can sell your house and not make you upside down!" I would consider kissing the lady!