Ok we have been back from Disney for about a month now and I have some how managed to erase my pictures from my camera and I have only saved them to my Kodak picture thing but I can not figure out how to move them to a where i can share them with all of u. I would make everyone a disk of them but....LOST the one disk I had....Yes I have been a little out of it. I do have some family pictures that we had made the last weekend of Sept. there really good of the kids... Ok now for my update on the family...
Savy is failing just about every subject....she is doing a bible study and choir and will have a show at school around the 1st of December.
Seth says he doesn't want to go back to school////There is a teacher there that blows a whistle at lunch and it hurts his ears.
Sloan likes school....and I think it is doing him good I think he is really learning this year...
Mike quit UE when we got back from Disney and got a job on the Thursday before his last day which was a BIG relief for us! He had a week off and we enjoyed being together and he stared
it last week. It is called Ferguson (It's a bath/kitchen supply store...ie sinks and stuff) He is making more money which is a BIG help to us.
We r STILL trying to sell r house.... We r praying it sells soon....
Well I am off to bed....Hope all are doing well~
Love to you all~ God BLESS