




i REALLY CAN NOT BELIEVE TAHT MY BABY WILL BE 11 AND IN 5TH GRADE THEY GROW UP SO FAST....my wish for your birthday is that all your dreams come come true!

LOVE U PEA......




I am sitting here in a wooden chair that is very hard and painful for my back I am working on my MARY KAY. Successful because I really LIKE this product. I am not just saying that because I am now selling it. I really believe in it. I want this to be my business and I want to make something of my self to show everyone that I am NOT a failure! (WHICH I FEEL LIKE)
I just don't know where to start. ~ I am going to really push MARY KAY after I get back from seminar in a couple of week. I am so excited about going and seeing the MARY KAY plant and museum. I am hoping that I will learn a lot to share with my clients (if i find any). I really can not wait to go to Dallas on the 21st. I will be childless for 5 whole days! Can u believe that. I know I will miss them like crazy but it would do me good to get a break and be able to focus on my MARY KAY. I really have not had the time I need to focus on it yet.
I also would like more space for my computer and office...all my stuff is crammed in to a corner in my bedroom and it is not very big at all. I am very cramped and I keep telling Mike I need more room and he just looks at me like I am crazy. I really love him but he really makes me mad sometimes! Well that is it for now I will post more later~
GOD bless


Happy 4th

Just wanted to update up all on Mike and his CDL testing he goes again on the 20th of July (the day before I leave for TEXAS). PLEASE pray for him to get it this time.
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY......................be careful with the fireworks.
Talk to u all soon.